Live Stream a Bar/Bat Mitzvah

Bar Mitzvah is a Jewish coming-of-age ritual for boys when
they turn 13 and when a girl reaches 12 she assumes all rights
and obligations of a Jewish adult at her Bat Mitzvah.
ceremonies are unequivocally the most important ritual in a young
person’s life. It marks the official point at which a child becomes an
adult. It is a joyous occasion for all involved.

While it is ideal to have everyone present at this most important of
days, sometimes it is simply not possible. Relatives and friends have
lives of their own and responsibilities which may keep them away. There may be a host of reasons such as poor health, financial constraints or perhaps long distance separates them.

Live Stream a Bar/Bat Mitzvah

The American Movie Company and its WebCasting division offers a solution. Live Stream the ceremony and even the ensuing parties. It is essentially a broadcast in real time to the Internet.  Access to the various social platforms is easy. Your family and friends are tech savvy. Everyone seems to be these days. Live Streaming from anywhere to everyone no matter where they are.  WebCast Live to your very own website or to Facebook Live, YouTube etc.

Synagogues, and other Houses of Worship have come to understand the benefits of WebCasting their events.  It lures more people from the community and expands their reach nationwide.

The Live Chat feature allows participants to communicate, both with you and with each other in real time. No matter where in the world you are, all of your friends and loved ones can be present in their own way.

As your child is lifted up in the chair, in glorious delight, a fleeting thought of recognition of the magnitude inherent in such a soaring event brushes by.  A grateful young man or young woman once on firm ground will find a way to express their appreciation for all you’ve done. You found a way to share this blessed day with everyone.

WebCasting the actual ceremony was the answer! Remember that AMC’s services are not limited to broadcasting the main event.  Plans can be made to be present the day before to capture the preparations and perhaps to address the camera with a message or dedication.  Anything is possible!

You and your child, I am certain, have been preparing for this for a long time, years perhaps.  Am equally sure you’ve watched many of the informative web streams that delve into the intricacies of these important rites of passage.  

Hebrew school has been the main source of information. However, there is nothing wrong with a gentle reminder.    They learned the basic tenets of Judaism and much more! They can read Hebrew, chant from the Torah, chant from the Haftarah, and write a Dvar Torah even consider Aliyah. What an altering journey, transformative to be sure!

Live Streaming will help chart the way into the future. At the risk of being hyperbolic – recording this ritual and attendant celebrations will make an indelible mark in your personal history and be there for grandchildren to learn about tradition and the importance of family.  

Back to the actual Live Streaming.  Not only will the basic happening be recorded, but you will have the option to have the very able crew at AMC edit highlights from that frabjous day.  

Send them or give access to the compilation to relatives and friends.  Everyone can enjoy this coming-of-age celebration over and over.

Bar/Bat Mitzvah

The American Movie Company and its roster of professional technicians are on location to ensure that the Bar/Bat Mitzvah is Streamed in full 1080p HD.  A 4K copy can be had for preservation and remembrance of things past! No one will miss a second!

We don’t just offer expertise and experience.  We are passionate and dedicated professionals. Live Streaming can be broadcast from anywhere in the world, with or without an Internet connection thanks to our high tech bonded cellular solutions.

We use our own Flypacks with an experienced operator to make certain that it is done at the highest quality. Live Switching, Multi-camera Video Production Services all from a production company that has years of experience in the field.

We love a challenge. Should the service be outdoors we can also WebCast from above, up a tree or with our drones. Overhead shots are an incredible addition to make the experience even more thrilling.

Invite everyone!  Live Streaming makes it possible they all can attend this special day.

Call at: 212-219-1075 to discuss all that can go right! or send an email to:

In short order you will receive an estimate based on your needs and wishes!  It really is that easy.
Mazel tov!  You’re on your way to doing a mitzvah!(Apologies for the levity.)

Live Stream The Bar/Bat Mitzvah