Live Stream the Graduation Ceremony

Lead your school into the 21st
Century Live Stream the
Graduation Ceremony

Live Stream the Graduation Ceremony

Graduation day should be one of the most important days in
a young student’s life.  It should not be a big hassle.

If you are a principal at a school trying to find a way to be on
the cutting edge, or a mom or dad trying to make sure that
your son or daughter’s exciting day is stress-free and shared by family and friends no matter where they are, you’ve come to the right place!

WebCasting this milestone will allow everyone to witness it in person or in spirit!  Am suggesting you literally broadcast this event over the Internet. This Live Streaming technology has become omnipresent in our schools, Houses of Worship, and, of course, in business.

Everyone is invited to the graduation and ensuing festivities but, not everyone can attend.  These days, families and friends are scattered around the country and the world. Bring them in by allowing them to view the ceremony and attendant parties on their iPhone, TV, any video hosting website, any social platform such as Facebook Live, YouTube and more!

You no longer have to worry if the number of tickets allotted to your child are enough.  Everyone can see this wonderful, unique event.  

If you are the one in charge of the school and choose to WebCast this and other events you will be rewarded by an increase in new students and the appreciation of current ones and their families.

You will make a good impression by creating some personalized compilation of special moments for the graduating lucky one! Getting a diploma is an accomplishment worth recording and saving for the future. It is fun to reminisce!  

The American Movie Company will work closely with you before and during the actual event.  The professionalism of the entire crew is conducive to a great output. The high quality will be reflected on the computer screen.  Viewers will feel they were there!  

Technicians at AMC are known for their attention to detail.  The broadcast of your event will be well thought out and guaranteed not to miss a moment.

Live Streaming at AMC boasts of the most innovative state-of-the-art features available such as Live Switching, full HD 1080p resolution, and are 4K ready for the new 5G services about to be launched by T Mobile and Verizon.  Their experienced production crew is ready for just such an important occasion. They anticipate possible problems and are ready to resolve them. No Internet? No problem! They believe in redundancy and are always prepared!

The student in question will feel special on that day.  Attention will be paid! No one will miss out. The WebCasting Services at AMC are the go-to place to memorialize any special event in your life.  

Please call Bill Milling at 212-219-1075 to discuss your needs or email and provide details.  A quote, an estimate will follow.

Don’t hesitate.  AMC is well schooled in all matters related to film.  

Celebrate the graduation.  All students will appreciate it.  What a positive way to face the future!  What’s next? Graduate school? More opportunities to Live Stream?

Let the American Movie Company exceed your expectations.

Go on!  Caps in the air!  You’ve graduated!