WebCasting: to DIY or Not to DIY

Elle Kyle is a producer at American Movie Company

Webcasting is rapidly becoming an integral part of our everyday lives.  With the advent of live technologies on social media platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram, the layman can stream whatever he or she is doing.  All one needs is a smartphone or a computer with a webcam.

With the technology to stream content live so readily accessible, it may be tempting to forgo professional webcasting services and rig a DIY stream with your phone or computer for an event.  However, if you decide to hire a professional team, AMC is here to make sure your live stream is pristine.

When you hire AMC’s professional webcasting team, they have state of the art camera equipment that will afford much higher video quality than a webcam or your phone.  They’ll also be able to provide sound recording gear, which will increase the clarity of your audio feed.  The overall quality of your webcast will drastically improve if you bring our team with our specialized equipment aboard.

When live streaming an event, you may want to incorporate other content into the stream such as slides, pictures, or other video content.  The AMC team will be able to supply a TriCaster, which generates the video feed from your event.  You can download prerecorded video and other content onto the TriCaster, and your operator can seamlessly transition between the live feed and your prerecorded content.

No matter what the size of your event AMC has a webcasting package to meet your needs.  We can accommodate small events with 1 or 2 cameras, large events with up to 10 cameras, and anything in between.  We can stream to any platform, and we can even provide you with a password-protected private link if you would like to limit your audience.

At the end of your event, AMC gives you the footage from the live stream.  Or if you’d like, we can edit the footage into one professional video for you.  Either way you receive high-quality video footage of your event when you webcast with AMC.

To learn more about AMC’s webcasting packages and equipment, visit our website or call Bill Milling at 917-414-5489.


What is WebCast