Top 5 Reasons to WebCast Your Next Event

Elle Kyle is a producer at American Movie Company

Event planning can be a stressful task with lots of moving pieces to coordinate.  Why add webcasting services to the list of things you’re trying to juggle?  Here’s why:

5. Webcasting allows you to share your event with people remotely.

Life happens.  Even if someone really wants to attend your event, there’s a good chance that not everyone will be able to.  People get sick or stuck in traffic or stuck babysitting their niece and nephew.  The point is that your event will suffer attrition, and some people who really want to be there will miss out.

Have no fear, webcasting is here!  Those people who can’t make it to your event can still experience it remotely through the power of the world-wide web.  What about events that people pay to get into?  If you want to be selective about who you share your event with, we can provide a password-protected link for you to share with your patrons.

4. Webcasting allows your event to reach a wider audience.

Even if it’s not meant to be a niche event, proximity and convenience can give your event a niche audience.  Webcasting is an easy and noncommittal way to explore new interests and topics.  If people can tune into your event from the comfort of their homes, they’re more likely to participate even if it doesn’t fall into their main interests.

3. Webcasting your event can expand your influence.

Because webcasting allows you to share your event with more people than can physically attend, and people who may not choose to physically attend, the impact of your event spreads to a much bigger group of people.  Whether you’re promoting a cause, your brand or product, or new research, webcasting is a quick way to expand your influence.

2. Webcasting teams can edit your event into a gorgeous, professional-grade video.

Since your event is recorded to stream to your viewers, your webcasting team has all of the footage.  AMC can give you your footage to edit, or we can edit the footage for you into a professional video.  This way you can share it with whomever you’d like whenever you’d like.

1. AMC’s webcasting team is a blast to work with!

We’ve been in the business of webcasting for 10 years and have all the equipment you need to ensure your event is captured in the best way possible.  We have the capacity for a shoot with up to 10 cameras and a range of TriCasters for you to choose from, depending on the scale of your event.  Our crew is the perfect blend of friendly with a sense of humor, and professional.  We guarantee that your webcasting experience will be pleasant and run smoothly!

For more information about our webcasting services, visit our website.  In addition to webcasting, AMC offers teleprompting and video production services.


WebCasting: The Past 3 Months in Review
