LiveStreaming Video and WebCasting

What is Live Streaming?  Elementary, my dear Watson!  On a very basic level Live Streaming is quite simply the continuous recording and broadcasting of some event in real-time.  This is not to be confused with just “streaming”. Sometimes that word refers to any media received and played back at the same time without a file being downloaded fully.  I am referring to non-live media such as YouTube, Video on Demand, etc. The distinction is they are streamed, but not live-streamed.

Our offices across the country work closely with our main hub located in New York. We have partnered with several WebCasting techs and are prepared to offer you the best both in terms of equipment and deeply dedicated, professional, staff.

Location LiveStreaming Video

We often Stream Live from event spaces such as theaters, hotel ballrooms, clubs, sports venues, houses of worship to name a few. Our team is accommodating, flexible.  Perhaps all you need is the actual WebCasting service and equipment. If you need more, we can do the entire job! We can provide multiple cameras, lighting, grip and sound gear as well as a full professional WebCast crew. 

Our location clients are too numerous to mention but among them are:  Microsoft, Intel, World Financial Center, Kaplan Learning Centers, Fordham University, concerts, and other celebrity-driven events.

It is worth reminding you that we do huge events with eight or more cameras or small WebCasts from boardrooms, classrooms, etc.

WebCast Anywhere with 4G Bonded Cellular

One of our specialties is Streaming Live Video without an Ethernet connection to the Web.  We can provide secure transmission from virtually anywhere as long as there is a strong cellular service.

We have Streamed Video from all sorts of places, including the Circle Line ships, a helicopter over Central Park, cameras on the Brooklyn Bridge, etc.  We have LiveStreamed Video from vans, boats, helicopters, etc.

And we do it all live and at full quality.

Our Wireless WebCasting technology can Stream from virtually anywhere. No local WiFi? No problem. As an added bonus we can set up our premier Wireless WebCasting technology with a traditional land-based Ethernet system for fail-safe redundancy.

In a live show, there is no “do-over”.  We do it well the first time!  

Let us exceed your expectations!




What is WebCast